
Have you always considered starting to exercise? Have you often imagined being a better version of yourself, whether it's to lose that excess weight or gain some? Have you frequently reflected on having a much healthier eating pattern? These are common thoughts and questions that many of us have, from our youth to the oldest among us.

 In today’s society, it can be tough with a relentlessly busy schedule, working long hours and in many cases having two jobs together plus taking care of family members with the upbringing of children which does not allow us to have the time we need to focus on ourselves and our challenges as they are shunned away.

 The truth is, we need to manage our time better and prioritize our physical, mental, and nutritional well-being. It's essential to educate ourselves on making self-improvements without solely relying on others for motivation. The amount of screen time in today's generation has reached record highs and has negatively impacted millions of people. We need to question how much time we spend binge-watching. Studies have shown that the average person spends around 7 hours a day looking at a screen. Regardless of the type of digital device we use or our interests and habits, this amount of screen time is too high and is causing strain on our eyes and mental fatigue, leading to the desire to either sleep or snack or have too many sugary foods and drinks.

 Most people aim to improve their physical fitness and appearance by going to the gym, often with a workout partner for motivation and support. While this can be a great setup, it's important to acknowledge that your workout buddy may have a busy schedule that doesn't always align with yours. This can leave you feeling isolated and demotivated, potentially leading you to give up on your fitness journey. It's essential to find ways to break this cycle and stay positive.

 There are many other options, such as finding fitness facilities, joining classes, and exercise groups indoors or outdoors. This can be a great way to stay motivated, meet new people, and improve your social circle with individuals who are regularly active. Our phones offer many applications where we can become part of a whole new community network, and the internet is often our first point of contact when we're alone.

If you’re facing financial difficulties, there are many free classes and groups you can join to become part of a new diverse community. Even having a disability there are still communities that can be of support. This can introduce you to a different way of life. It's important to start empowering ourselves through research and self-education, whether it's reading about healthy lifestyles or watching short documentaries and video clips about the benefits of being active. This can reprogram your mind and establish new thought processes that motivate you to be more active and effective, ultimately changing your behavioural patterns.

 We will discuss the 5 commonly known stages and barriers to exercise, also exploring foods in more detail. This exploration will help us gain an understanding of ourselves, bringing awareness to our general nature and enabling us to understand our actions on a broader scale. We have all fallen victim to these stages at some point in our lives.


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